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Equality Policy

South Wales Coastal Rowing Club (SWCRC) is committed to the principles of equality in sport and endorses the Welsh Sea Rowing – Rhwyfo Môr Cymru (WRS)’s Policy regarding Equality.  Their policy document can be accessed via Welsh Rowing Equality Policy which was approved by the Board on 20th May 2014 and has formally adopted British Rowing's Transgender and Transexual Policy.

Policy Statement


Welsh Rowing endorses the principle of sports equality and will strive to ensure that everyone who wishes to be involved in rowing, whether as beginners, participants, performers, volunteers, coaches, manager, employees, job applicants, administrators or officials or those within Welsh Rowing:


  • has a genuine and equal opportunity to participate to the full extent of their own ambitions and abilities, without regard to their age, sex, gender identity, disability, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, religion, race, ethnic origin, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation or political belief; and


  • can be assured of an environment in which their rights, dignity and individual worth are respected, and in particular that they are able to enjoy their sport without the threat of intimidation, victimisation, harassment or abuse.

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